Single Phase Capacitor-Start AC Motor Cutaway

Item Number: 
Sectioning of an actual industrial electrical component
DAC Worldwide Technical Trainers
DAC Worldwide Cutaways

DAC Worldwide’s Single Phase Capacitor-Start AC Motor Cutaway (273-930) is one of a series of related sectioned industrial motors. This single-phase, capacitor-start induction motor cutaway supports industrial training activities related to electric motor types, as well as repair and troubleshooting. A fractional horsepower, industrial-duty motor is modified for training purposes.

Single-phase, capacitor-start induction motors are encountered in many industrial applications and are commonly the motive force in machine tools, mechanical drives, conveyors, compressors, blowers, and some pumps.

A full-length shell and stator cutaway unveils the complete internal configuration of the motor, while showcasing key features such as stator windings, wiring connections, centrifugal switch, and rotor design.

The cutaway includes a formed-steel mounting assembly, allowing for stand-alone display, bench-top mounting, or mounting on specialized DAC Worldwide mounting benches and support structures.

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