Certified Industry 4.0 Associate Certifications
SACA’s Associate certifications are introductory Industry 4.0 certifications appropriate for operators and other individuals seeking to become familiar with Industry 4.0 factory floor automation equipment and processes.
C-101 Certified Industry 4.0 Associate - Basic Operations

This certification prepares individuals to succeed in operations and assembly positions in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 automation technologies. This certification is also ideal for individuals in related occupations who want to learn more about automated equipment and processes.
Basic Operations Competencies:
- Concepts & Terminology of Smart Manufacturing
- Basic Setup, Adjustment & Operation of Automated Machines
- Safety and Hand Tools
- Blueprint & Schematic Reading
- Precision Measurement
- Basic Electrical Control, Pneumatic, & Sensor Systems Operation
- Basic Robot Operation & Terminology
- Production Monitoring via HMI, Internet, Ethernet, & Smart Phones
C-102 Certified Industry 4.0 Associate - Advanced Operations

This certification prepares individuals to succeed in advanced operations positions in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 automation technologies. This certification is also ideal for individuals in other related occupations, such as IT, seeking to become versed in factory floor automation and programming.
Advanced Operations Competencies:
- Smart Manufacturing System Metrics & Optimization
- Setup, Adjustment, & Operation of Computer Controlled Machines
- Basic Ethernet Network Operation
- Basic Programmable Controller Programming & Operation
- Basic Mechanical & Hydarulics System Operation & Adjustment
- Basic Mechatronic Systems Programming & Operation
- Basic Robotics & CNC Programming/Operation
- HMI Interface & Operation
C-103 Certified Industry 4.0 Associate - Robot System Operations

This certification prepares individuals to succeed in operations positions in modern production environments that use industrial robot systems and Industry 4.0 automation technologies. This certification is also ideal for maintenance technicians and IT professionals seeking to become versed in robot system operations.
Robot System Operations Competencies:
- Concepts & Terminology of Robots
- Robot Setup & Adjustment
- Robot Operations & Basic Programming
- Fixtures/End of Arm Tooling Types & Selection
- Robot-Ethernet Network Communications
- Robot I/O Device & PLC System Interfacing
- Robot Monitoring & Cycle Time Optimization
- Robot Smart Manufacturing Concepts
C-104 Certified Industry 4.0 Associate -IIoT, Networking & Data Analytics

This certification prepares individuals to succeed in operations positions in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 automation, IIoT, optimization, and data analytics technologies. This certification is also ideal for maintenance technicians and IT professionals seeking to become versed in Industry 4.0 automation, including IIoT, networking, and data analytics.
IIoT, Networking & Data Analytics Competencies:
- Concepts of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
- PLC Ethernet Messaging Communications
- Barcode & RFID Programming & Operation
- Smart Sensor Programming & Operation
- Managed Ethernet Switch Configuration & Operation
- Variable Frequency Drive Programming
- SQL Database Systems
- Data Analytics & Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
- Lean Manufacturing & System Optimization