The TacMed Simulation AirwayPlus Lifecast Upper (APL) trains responders to perform life-saving tasks such as maintaining a patient’s airway, needle decompression, chest tube insertion, cricothyroidotomy, and Intraosseous (I/O) infusion.
Emergency Responder Simulators
First Responder Trainees Get State-of-the-Art Training
High schools and colleges with emergency responder simulators can prepare students for careers in the emergency medical field by using industry-leading equipment. From TacMed’s real-life body cast simulators, to Lucas-Nuelle’s HEV/EV first responder trainers, to L3Harris’ fire truck driving simulators students and faculty will be training on some of the most cutting-edge industry equipment.
Item Number:TFX-APLPB-1
Item Number:TFX-T-CT-1The TacMed Simulation Chest Trainer is a ruggedized partial upper torso medical simulator that helps trainees during the crawl phase of training to treat patients requiring needle decompression and intraosseous (I/O) infusion. Students learn to locate realistic anatomic landmarks to execute critical patient treatment without relying on marked indicators. The unit functions as a stand-alone skills station with multiple training sites that allow for multiple uses with cost-effective replacement components.
Item Number:TFX-CRL-1Experience unparalleled realism with TacMed Solutions' Clinical Response Lower (CRL) trauma trainer. This high-fidelity, remote-controlled simulator provides authentic simulations for hemostatic wound training, tourniquet application, and more. Perfect for POI, Secondary Care, and Prolonged Field Care training.
The FireSim™ fire truck driving simulator provides hands-on experiential training for first responders, offering experience without risks to people or equipment.
The Lucas-Nuelle training system allows first responders to practice the correct procedure for recovering hybrid and electric vehicles over and over again - until it becomes muscle memory, ensuring maximum efficiency even when working under time pressure.
Item Number:TFX-C-HCSTThe TacMed Simulation Hemorrhage Control Skills Trainer - Classroom (HCST-C) is a medical intervention simulator designed to teach fundamental skills for tourniquet application and hemostatic wound packing.
Item Number:TFX-K9DSL-1TacMed Solution's Advanced Canine Medical Trainer (K9 Diesel) is a full-body simulator for Operational Canine First Responders, Military Working Dog (MWD) handlers, Veterinarians, and Veterinary Technicians.
Item Number:TFX-K9-HERO-1TacMed Simulation K9 HERO is a state-of-the-art skills trainer that allows learners to perform critical life-saving tasks such as maintaining an airway, needle decompression/thoracocentesis, hemostasis, IV insertion, Intraosseous (I/O) infusion, CPR, tracheostomy, and bandaging.
Item Number:TFX-T-PWT-1The Packable Wound Trainer (PWT) is a ruggedized task trainer with a simulated hemostatic wound. It is composed of lifelike synthetic skin and includes a hemostatic wound, providing trainees with the ability to execute critical patient treatment, such as wound packing and compression training. The PWT functions as a stand-alone skills station during the crawl phase of training.
VRNA offers a fully immersive VR experience designed to enhance the efficiency and reduce the expenses associated with teaching patient care job skills typically conducted in a laboratory environment, including Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) modules.