DAC Worldwide’s Bladder Accumulator Cutaway is a professionally-crafted hydraulic accumulator cutaway that supports training in the application, design details, and operating principles of hydraulic accumulators commonly found with hydraulic systems.
Fluid Power
DAC Worldwide's fluid power cutaways offer an inside look at many components commonly found in the workplace to enhance the learning experience. These cutaways include various valves and other devices commonly used in fluid power applications.
Item Number:773-195
Item Number:710DAC Worldwide’s Hydraulic Component Cutaway Set (710) is a tabletop assortment of industrial hydraulic components that have been modified for classroom use as training aids.
Item Number:760CDAC Worldwide’s Pneumatic Component Cutaway Set (760) is a tabletop assortment of industrial pneumatic components that have been modified for classroom use as teaching aids for pneumatic component training.