LJ Create Smart Labs
LJ Create produces innovative learning spaces for a wide range of education and occupational disciplines. We call these spaces Smart Labs. We combine and customize Smart Labs to meet each customer's specific needs.
Every Smart Lab includes:
- Innovative Hardware
- Industrial, hands-on activities
- Design, prototyping & modelling kits
- Desktop fault-finding trainers
- Online LMS and lesson libraries
- 10,000 digital lessons
- Guide and track students
- Curriculum aligned to academic and vocational standards
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- Ongoing suppot from our instructors
- Training and professional development
LJ Create Smart Labs are designed to create:

- Active learning lessons and projects develop cognitive and manipulative skills.
- Student-centered learning develops responsibility and lifelong learning skills.
- Our large library of lessons integrates science, math, language, engineering, and occupational learning.

- Students love the active learning approach and the student-centered environment.
- Smart labs free the teacher from the front of the room, allowing them to focus on helping each student achieve their potential.
- The high-tech smart labs provide an inspiring environment and a source of pride for any institution.

- The nature of Smart Labs means that staff transitions and temporary substitutions can occur with minimum disruption.
- Our lessons are produced to a consistently high standard to help all staff develop successful outcomes.
- Our huge library of courses and learning modules is so large that teachers have plenty of choice for tailoring their lessons.

- Smart Labs deliver results. Performance in a lesson is assessed against the learning objectives and courses have pre- and post- testing to gauge progress.
- The Learning Management System tracks and reports performance, providing teachers and administrative staff with the tools to react when appropriate.Learning modules are supported by supplementary support lessons that students can call upon when required.
- This in‑context academic intervention is an outstanding tool for developing math, science, and language skills.

- Our preconfigured lessons cut down on preparation time.
- With most students in a class occupying themselves in the smart labs, teachers can focus on the advanced or struggling students that will benefit from close attention.
- Smart labs are ready to run and easy to use.
- Staff don’t need to find the extra time normally needed to configure experiments or project work.
Smart Labs
Career Pathways

This broad-based careers lab will provide the foundational skills and knowledge for a wide range of careers to students in Grades 9 through 12. Interactive software and hands-on activities provide general job skills and put the learning of academic skills in an occupational context.
Pathway options in this space include: Agriculture, Construction, Business, Health Sciences, Manufacturing and Transportation.
This typical Career Pathways Lab configuration includes the following resources:
- Mechanisms Trainer
- Electronic Circuits Teaching Set (x2)
- Industrial Control Trainer
- Electronic Communications Trainer
- Sustainable Energy Production Trainer
- Robotics Trainer
- Engineering Construction Kit (x2)
- Injection Molding Trainer (x2)
- Biology Experiment Kit (x2)
- Data Logging Kit
- 3D Rapid Prototyping Machine (x2)
Design and Technology Projects

This space provides students with a very wide range of STEM-related projects to complete. Each project is tied to a career pathway, and instruction includes information about related college requirements and all levels of careers.
The program is extremely flexible for implementation and can be used across five grade levels - six through ten.
This typical Design and Technology Lab configuration includes the following resources:
- Biomedical Technology Kit (x2)
- Engineering Construction Kit (x12)
- Educational Robotics Invention Kit (x2)
- Fluid Power Resource Pack (x12)
- Green Energy in Buildings Trainer
- Sustainable Energy Production Trainer
- Electronic Circuits Trainer (x2)
- Research and Design Teaching Set
- Structures and Materials Resource and Consumables Pack
- Injection Molding Machine
- Mobile Science Cart
- 3D Rapid Prototyping Machine
Electronics Certification

Students learn the necessary cognitive and practical skills for many technician occupations involving electrical or electronic systems.
These include: Medical Equipment Technician, IT Support, Manufacturing Maintenance and Audio Support Technician. Certifications available include the ETA Student Electronics Technician.
This typical Electronics Certification Lab configuration includes the following resources:
- Electronics Study Trainer (x8)
- Circuit Card Set (x8)
- Electronic Circuits Consumable Pack (x2)
- Instrumentation Pack (x10)
- Circuit Soldering Station and Tools (x12)

Students study Mechanical Systems, Control Systems, Fluid Power, and Electronics. Computer and device programming is included in many different forms for a diverse and rounded engineering experience.
Curriculum aligns with State learning standards for Mechatronics and the requisite skills for apprenticeships.
This typical Mechatronics Lab configuration includes the following resources:
- Electronics Study Trainer (x4)
- Circuit Card Set (x2)
- Educational Robotics Invention Kit (x2)
- Hydraulics Trainer (x2)
- Mechanisms Trainer (x2)
- Electro-Pneumatics Trainer (x2)
- Industrial Control Trainer (x2)
- PLC Trainer (x2)
- Transducer and Instrumentation Trainer (x2)
Vehicle Repair

The modern automobile is a complex collection of electronic and mechanical systems.
This laboratory is designed to limit the amount of text-based learning that future automotive technicians complete and replaces it with interactive experiences and skills practice across all the vehicle systems including engines, braking, steering and suspension, air conditioning and transmission systems.
This typical Vehicle Repair Lab configuration includes the following resources:
- Ignition and Charging Systems Panel
- Distributorless Ignition System Trainer
- Displays and Accessories Panel
- Engine Management Panel
- Sectioned Petrol Engine
- Sectioned Diesel Engine
- Sectioned Manual Gearbox
- Air Conditioning Panel
- Air Conditioning Trainer
- ABS Braking Panel
- Braking Systems Trainer
- Steering and Suspension Trainer
Auto Diagnostics

Modern vehicle systems are linked together by a series of computers, which run everything at high speed.
The use of diagnostic tools and subsequent troubleshooting is the most required skill in the current automotive industry.
This typical Automotive Diagnostics Lab configuration includes the following resources:
- Auto Electronics Trainer (x16)
- Modern Starting & Charging Trainer (x4)
- Modern Auto Lighting Circuits Trainer (x4)
- Displays and Accessories Panel (x4)
- Engine Trainer with Fault Insertion
- Distributorless Ignition System Trainer
- Hybrid Systems Panel