Amatrol's Electrical Training Systems
For over two years, employers in the electrical field have been perplexed by one common challenge: the inability to attract and retain qualified workers. With much of the workforce near retirement, employers are facing the possibility that thousands of open electrical jobs could be left unfilled. Bottom line: employees need to be re-trained and re-skilled to become hireable in an ever-changing electrical sector.
Fortunately, Amatrol has the most comprehensive selection of online electrical training available on the market today.
Amatrol has developed the most comprehensive, in-depth selection of online electrical training solutions available today, beginning with the basics of AC/DC electrical and moving on to more advanced topics like electrical machines, relay control, and fabrication; electrical motor control; and electrical wiring and power distribution. These learning systems feature world-class online curriculum, skill assessment, and real-world components for an unmatched offering of skill-building possibilities. Many of these systems also offer fault troubleshooting training through Amatrol’s FaultPro, the industry’s premier electronic fault insertion product.
Amatrol's programs start with the basics, offering training in AC/DC electric, single- and three-phase motors, electric relay control, and electrical fabrication. If the basics are too elementary for your trainees, Amatrol also offers training on a variety of more advanced topics, such as electric motor control circuits, electrical wiring, and proper over-current protection. The Motor Control Learning System highlights how to operate, install, and troubleshoot AC electric motor control circuits, and also includes FaultPro, the industry’s only computer-based fault insertion software.
The training equipment available in this technical area is an integral part of several Amatrol programs such as HVAC, Power and Energy, Green Energy, Industrial Maintenance, and more!
Whether your Electrical Training Program is just getting off the ground, or you’re looking for a way to improve your existing laboratory, Amatrol’s learning systems and curriculum are here to help you train the next wave of electrical engineers & technicians.
Amatrol’s electrical training systems are the best in the industry. The learning programs are developed in partnership with industry and education to ensure that the skills are on target to support modern industry needs and are equally effective for technicians, engineers, production workers and anyone needing further understanding and skills in electrical systems..
Amatrol Electrical Trainers:
- AC Electric Motor Control Systems Training
- AC/DC Electrical Training System | Basic Electrical Troubleshooting
- Electric Relay Control Circuit Training | Hands-On Relay Control Skills
- Electrical Fabrication Training | Installation, Operation, Repair & Design
- Electrical Power Distribution Training | Installation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting
- Electrical Wiring Training System
- Hands-On Relay Control Skills | Ladder Logic Training
- Industrial Motor Installation & Wiring Training System
- Portable AC/DC Electrical Circuit Applications and Analysis Training
- Basic Electrical Training | Hands-On Electrician Training
- Computer Control 2 PLC Training | PLC Timer and Counter Instructions
- Computer Control PLC Training | PLC Programming & Event Sequencing
- DC Generator Training | Operation, Installation & Maintenance Skills | Industrial Motor Training
- Electric Motor Troubleshooting | Industrial Motor Training
- Electrical Control Training | Interpret and Operate Relay Control Circuit
- Electrical Wiring Training | Installation, Operation, Repair and Design
- Electronic Counter Learning System | Motor Control Training
- Electronic Sensors Learning System | Motor Control Training
- Fault Troubleshooting System | Motor Control Troubleshooting
- FaultPro 4.0 Upgrade | Software Only (40458)
- FaultPro 4.0 USB Interface Upgrade Kit (40459)
- FaultPro 4.0 USB Interface Upgrade Kit for 890-PECA (22067)
- Hands-On Ethernet and Analog Wiring Skills | HMI Installation Training
- Industrial Motor Training | Hands-On Alternator & Synchronous Motor Skills
- Industrial Soldering Training System
- Motor Braking Learning System | Motor Control Training
- Motor Control Training | Control Ladder Logic | Hands-On Skills & Theory
- PLC Motor Control Learning System - AB Micro820 | 85-MT5AB8
- PLC Wiring & VFD Wiring Skills | Hands-On Electrical Training
- Portable Electric Motor Control Troubleshooting Learning System | 990-MC1F
- Portable Relay Control Training | Troubleshooting Applications & Concepts
- Reduced Voltage Starting Learning System | Motor Control Training
- Safety I/O with Reversing Starter Training | Siemens ET200 Hands-On Learning
- SCR Speed Control | Motor Control Training
- Variable Frequency AC Drive | Electric Motor Control Training
- Virtual Trainer Courseware – AC/DC Electrical | NB227
- Virtual Trainer Courseware – Electrical Motor Control | N17401
- Wound Rotor Motor Training | Hands-On Industrial Motor Skills
Multimedia Courseware:
- Multimedia Courseware - AC Motor Drives | M11135
- Multimedia Courseware - AC/DC Electrical 1 | MB707
- Multimedia Courseware - AC/DC Electrical 2 | MB708
- Multimedia Courseware - DC Drive with SCR Speed Control | M17412
- Multimedia Courseware - Electric Motor Control | M11134
- Multimedia Courseware - Electric Motor Troubleshooting | M45129
- Multimedia Courseware - Electric Relay Control | M11132
- Multimedia Courseware - PLC/VFD Wiring System | M17461
- Alternator / Synchronous Motor | MB878
- Basic Electrical Machines | MB862
- DC Generators | MB876
- Electrical Fabrication 1 | M12204
- Electrical Power Distribution | M17471
- Electrical Wiring | M17448
- Electronic Counter | M17405
- Electronic Sensors | M17404
- Motor Braking | M17402
- Reduced Voltage Starting | M17403
- Wound Rotor Motor | MB877
More Information
Amatrol e-Learning Course List